Addis Ababa, which in Amharic means “New Flower”, is the capital and unique metropolis of Ethiopia. Founded by Emperor Menelik in 1987, Addis Ababa is of relatively recent origin and lacks ancient landmarks, but it is somewhat like an ancient walled city, sitting within the embrace of numerous elegant hills and four major mountains- Zukwala to the South, Entoto to the North, Yerer to the East, and Wuchacha to the West. Addis Ababa is a panoramic plateau metropolis at between 2200 – 2600 meters above sea level and is the third highest city in the world with an average temperature of 160 c.

Addis Ababa is the seat of the political, social, economic and cultural life of Ethiopia. Besides, it is graced as Africa’s diplomatic capital with the presence of the head quarter of African Union; and is also the port of entry for most travellers.

Addis Abeba also stands guard over many museums, palaces of vanished Emperors, monuments of the nation’s heroes, broad squares, cathedrals, churches, mosques, souvenir and gift shops, Africa’s largest outdoor market, night clubs, folkloric fares, handicraft centres, and traditional restaurants for cultural nights. All these reflect the composite image of the entire nation. It is only with Noble Conference and Tours that you can fully experience the poetry of this quaint city. We have arranged a range of packages to help you see the best of Addis Ababa including our best Highlights and Reality tours of the city.